Zen meaning
Zen meaning

In this case, the best thing to do is to disconnect. This distraction from ourselves, and from the world as it really is, causes us to become so disconnected and, generally, a bit frazzled. In our modern world, we easily become so distracted: media, screens, internet, television, billboards, commercials, people wanting our attention, constant noise, constant mental clutter. Keep close to Nature’s heart… and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. By creating this new habit of changing your perception, you too will find yourself in a state of peace within any storm. This change in perception is something peaceful living beings possess it is what enables them to sit in tranquility amid the chaos. You are not suffering, you are simply growing- you are working out at the gym. Try switching your perspective: these are not tormentors, they are teachers. With this mindset, for example, you can perceive a long line at the post office as a teacher of patience, rather than a horribly timed nuisance. It goes this way with everything- when we are uncomfortable, it means that we are growing.

zen meaning

The suffering is present because you haven’t justified the uncomfortability you haven’t noticed that you are growing stronger because of it. You wonder why the couch is so heavy, how much longer until it’s over, and if you really need to move into a new house. However, this time, you don’t see the strength you are creating, and thus, it causes suffering. On the contrary, when you are in the situation of, say, having to move furniture, you feel this same burning sensation in your muscles. Why not? Because you have justified the suffering- you understand that the uncomfortability you are currently feeling means that you are growing stronger. Suffering is only suffering when it goes unjustified.įor example, if you go to the gym and work out, the burn your muscles feel is intense and painful, but you never think, “ahh, this is suffering.” Reprogram your perception of sufferingĭifficulty is the name of an ancient tool that was created purely to help us define who we are. What a fantastic daily habit to get into: simply smiling. However, the simple act of turning the corners of your mouth towards the sun (assuming it’s in the sky) can conversely create a feeling of peace and happiness. As well, your body, blood pressure, and heart rate all relax.

zen meaning

Happy, peaceful hormones, such as dopamine and serotonin, are released when your beautiful smile spreads across your face. In scientific terms, the simple act of smiling releases neuropeptides that directly combat stress. This, too, is a zen habit you perhaps knew would be in here.ĭid you know that when you smile, regardless of whether it was outwardly generated or not, your brain throws a happy party? Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. “I am the (your name) that loves beyond comprehension and is powerful beyond imagination.” “I am the (your name) that is calm and resilient.” “I am the (your name) that contagiously spreads love to all that I meet.” Tell your story the way you want it to be, and it will become. If you keep telling yourself how short-tempered you are, yet you are yearning to become much calmer, you are telling yourself the wrong story - how can you expect to move forward when you are constantly looking backward?

zen meaning

One of the most profound ways to make new habits stick is to begin telling a new story of yourself. You have to tell it as you want it to be. You have to begin telling your story in a new way. This is the simplest, quickest trick once you reap the benefits of this new habit, you will be hooked and you will (very soon) find yourself doing it naturally. Generally, seven deep, focused, deliberate breaths will be enough. And we all realize the importance of a calm, controlled mind (especially when it comes to zen habits and peaceful living). On the contrary, calmer, controlled breathing equals a calmer, controlled mind. Whatever your situation, it is essential to be aware of the fact that your mind and your rate of breathing are completely entangled- rapid, out-of-control breath results in an erratic, out-of-control mind.

Zen meaning